Tag Archive: Random

Wow stumbled upon another gem on youtube and I’m so glad I did. Hustlekidz: their code is about character, and it leads me to think that I started and enjoy breaking as a culture because I want to fit into something bigger and be known for something other than what studies and work and the eventualities of life bring me.

Check the video out if you have the time to jump right into the feels of a culture foreign to you 🙂

We all need that something that makes us feel like it’s uniquely us and I hope you find what yours is.

Getting goosebumps from studying and listening to Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie In April)’s OST. But anyway, on to the main post.

Is it very difficult for everyone to mean what they say and to keep the promises that they make? Sometimes I fail to understand whether it is that I expect too much from my friends or that it is because I know I am constantly giving a lot I expect however much but when people fall short of what I think is the bare minimum I find it difficult to reconcile that they are trying at all.

Relationships are fragile enough, even before factoring in that most of them won’t last unless you actively try to keep people in your lives. Sure, people say expect nothing and give a lot more, when in reality the only people you don’t expect anything from are the people you don’t really care about.

We used to have it all, but now’s our curtain call,
so hold for the applause, oh

I’d still believe in expecting a little, giving a whole lot more, but at least I’m prepared to hurt to see who pulls

P.S. So tempted to rewatch Your Lie in April, probably will ahaha

Hi High Hi

It’s been long since I heard a chinese song that hit home. :”)


SMU has brought new meaning to alone time for me ahaha

Recently both “Magic by Coldplay” and “Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay” have been on my playlist. A lot.

And when they play one after another I just get really confused.

Magic is about how everything your lover does no matter what they’ve done (assumably bad things) is magical because no matter anything they’ve done it still feels reassuring to have them by your side because of the chemistry you both have.

Adventure of a Lifetime is about falling in love again.

Downbeat vs Excitement hahaha don’t ask me why because I’m confused too :”)

Hi there 2016 (:

Hi whoever’s reading this,

been feeling really introverted the past 3 days. Even when with people my mind just starts to drift off and I feel like I have to use a lot more effort to make conversation.

Okay this part is part of an R16 mixtape where the beat just died and then I think it’s the DJ monologuing but his experiences gave me chills. Just skip to the parts where I highlighted.
(Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t5z_tk5T_c)
I fell in love with […] because it was individual, there were no teams, there were no captains, there were no… nothing too… too perfect. No style that had to be measured. It was the completely opposite of what I saw on so many sports. It was creative. And to this day, that’s what I love, that’s always kept me back to it, because it’s endless creation. That’s the aspect I love most. Through the years, you have so many experiences, you’re sponsored, you travel the world, you win contests, you do these things, and sometimes, through all the years, all the years, you lose the sight of, what… why are you doing? Sometimes, maybe you think because you want to be the best (?), or, I wanted to win 10 years of contests, and I did. And in the end, I found that, that wasn’t why I […]. And as I get older, I get less, in a sense, public, and I go back to the original reason why I loved this, to do new things, in my own way. And that’s what I love. I’ve been injured about two times, and had a bunch of s-, not a bunch, but definitely a few surgeries. And when that happens, I think, oh maybe I’m too old, I should give up, or I won this award. What does that mean? Before I got it, I thought it meant a lot. And then when I get it, it doesn’t mean anything. And that’s a realisation that’s come. And if there’s anything it’s that sometimes I can see kids, they’re so… they start this because they love it, they love the… freedom of it. It’s freedom. And it’s art. In a lot of ways. And then I see them along the way, and they start to hate what they do but for some reason they don’t know. They think it’s because of the money but they could quit and make money also… other ways. And I see it all the time. People that love it, they get what they wanted and then they hate it. And so, if there’s anything I could say to the kids, so they don’t have to go through all the years, it’s like, just remember that winning awards, or winning contests, they really truly don’t mean anything. It’s the enjoyment of doing what you want to do, all the way through. That’s the beauty – so many people actually never find their whole lives. And that’s what it’s given me. I can’t wake up. I can’t wait to wake up in the morning – to try something new. A lot of times, I can’t sleep because I can’t wait to try… something new. And how many people never really experience that feeling? Often.

which brought me to thinking about passion and commitment and that I need some drive now more than ever. Bboying helped me focus on always improving and always trying to attain what I want. Lately, it actually doesn’t feel so much day in day out I actually feel like I’m enjoying studying, company and can’t wait to see how I’d turn out (:

p.s. hi fooc

Silver I !!!

Oh god my last blog post was 53 days ago. Why have I become so inactive in blogging? 😦


Anyway I’m really happy now because my LoL career *ahem* has just taken off! Check out my win streak right now haha!

win streaksilver 1







And I finally got to Silver I 🙂 Still trying to hit Gold for once haha this year by myself.

Anyway haven’t been blogging because most of my time now has been taken up by watching shows and driving lessons. And dancing of course. Been watching a lot of anime too lately, especially those which give me a lot of feels.


Two more months before I ORD and I don’t know what I want to do with the rest of my life :/ What I do want to do now is just dance and have fun and hopefully I will make future me proud. Shan’t post any dance videos but I might post one at the end of the year just to mark my progress.


Peace and keep on lovin’ 🙂


Just checked and my last blog post was a month ago.

I’ve wanted to blog for weeks now but I don’t know why I just haven’t got to doing so. Maybe it’s because I’m starting to feel that voicing my emotions is making me weak, or maybe it’s because I just feel like I can spend my time better? I don’t know, and I don’t know what I want to know either.

Anyway, just felt like it was an appropriate time to blog.

I’ve been enjoying myself mad lately and I think that that’s a good thing. (Although I have been making some questionable spending choices.) Went for [ Against the Current / Alex Goot ] Live Concert and I really loved the experience 🙂 , met friends the day after, and went for Lion City Throwdown (a Hip Hop Jam). And I have really enjoyed all of it. In fact, I have new insights on how to approach beats after watching LCT yesterday, and haven’t gone to a standing concert in a really long while. (tbh, it’s been a really long while since I have been going out a lot on my own accord).

The LCT ticket looks really cool here’s how it looks like:

lct 2014

And then I saw my list of things I wanted to achieve by 2014 and I’m wondering if I’m anywhere close to doing so. For one I’ve still been practicing guitar and reading my book on game theory. For two I haven’t been videoing my dancing as much, though the training and dancing never stops.

Either way, gonna start learning driving soon. And I think I’m gonna drop gaming for a while (because I can).

Also, I quite recently purchased Sennheiser Momentum On-Ear (Red) Headphones for 299SGD that looks like:

(image taken from booredatwork.com)

Took an image because I’m a bit lazy to find my camera to snap a proper picture of my own.


Also, my table’s in a mess and so is what I have figured I want to do with my life.

#FirstWorldProblems anyone?

Winds of Change

I hate it when things change.

I hate it when I’m reminded of when things change.

I hate it when my mood is affected when I’m reminded of when things change.

And I hate it when my mood affects things and people who are unrelated to the problems I’m feeling.


I’m getting a bit of a headache now and honestly I’m getting the feeling of not knowing what I’m doing is right and what of which I’m doing is for myself. (I know you’re probably thinking, who for (?) if not for myself, but it’s more like a distraction stacking that’s getting on my nerves.) How much of what I’m doing is truly for myself?


I don’t know what should be my next step, but even more so,  I don’t know if the next step is the right one for me.


Sorry for being an asshole.

Story Of My Life

For the longest time, I have not felt like blogging. Or been doing anything that I think of as noteworthy for me to blog about. Why not?

Well maybe two weeks ago I wanted to blog about how I feel like I have a good work ethic. I’m always (well trying my best to be) responsible about what’s part of my job scope and trying to help others when I don’t have things to do, but lately I felt like I was taking on too much responsibility and finding work or taking on work just for the sake of doing some. Long story short, I was turning into a workaholic.

Well, work’s good right? Well to some extent, it trains my brain so I won’t rot away in comparison to others who don’t do much (thus don’t absorb much) at work. On the downside though, people tend to over-rely on me and task me work that isn’t exactly related to me. Also, I feel like I have a bit of a compulsive need to have work ever since I had issues with my personal relationships and tried to distract myself with work and the fact that I am important in other places too.

Rant aside, I didn’t feel like blogging that because I’m injured again.

How badly do I mean by injured? Rant aside, thankfully not mentally or emotionally (though I don’t exactly know which is worse right now). The previous Thursday I played a game of midnight basketball that aggravated a pretty bad back strain. And ever since I can’t walk around without it hurting because my back injury which went away seems to have relapsed. : /

I haven’t danced in fucking ages, which gets me really bored and just imagining moves in my head isn’t enough yet I don’t want to do anything but lie down most of the time because it’s really painful when I move (any position but a straight back hurts it pretty much).

Also, been having a really bad headache today.

I miss being physically alright and being sane.

Anyway seeing the specialist once again for my back on Monday, so praying it’ll be alright. Friends from all around coming to Singapore around now and I want to be fit enough to go out with them, as well as start training again. Until next time (:


Been dancing. A lot. Current inspiration is still Bboy FE, but I don’t think I’ve improved much (except foundation-wise because of a lack of creativity juices). But I want to level up pretty quickly especially with R16 coming up….



Honesty isn’t always the best policy.



& sometimes I wonder if my pain was only psychosomatic.